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June 30, 2007



I am looking for an EMDR trainer in the Seattle area -- central Seattle, ideally.

I have worked in the abuse field and written books for abused women for 30 years (see www.abused women.org)and have conducted anger management therapy using cognitive restructuring. I welcome clients who wish to work on those areas or in dealing with parents who are growing frail.

Robin Shapiro

Hi Ginny,
I met you 27 years ago at Seattle Counseling Services. I read your book about DV around that time. You've been a hero for years. At this moment, there are no trainers in central Seattle. You can find trainers at www.emdria.com . They list the EMDR Institute, the largest training organization, as well as many independent trainers. One of my favorite trainers is Laurel Parnell in California at http://www.eomega.org
If you're looking for local emdr practitioners, I know about 50 good ones in central Seattle.

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