Margaret Metzgar at Katrina Aid Today, says that she has a grant to pay for therapy for some of the 1800 Katrina survivors who now reside in the Seattle area. She needs people who can help with anger management (or clearing!) as well as the PTSD and adjustment difficulties. If you'd like to run an anger group, she'd be delighted. The Salvation Army/Seattle Social Services does the case management. She's looking for a few good therapists. It sems like a great fit for EMDR practitioners. Margaret Metzgar at Katrina Aid Today, call 206-447-9949 to volunteer.
I am looking for an EMDR trainer in the Seattle area -- central Seattle, ideally.
I have worked in the abuse field and written books for abused women for 30 years (see www.abused have conducted anger management therapy using cognitive restructuring. I welcome clients who wish to work on those areas or in dealing with parents who are growing frail.
Posted by: Ginny | July 27, 2007 at 04:43 PM
Hi Ginny,
I met you 27 years ago at Seattle Counseling Services. I read your book about DV around that time. You've been a hero for years. At this moment, there are no trainers in central Seattle. You can find trainers at . They list the EMDR Institute, the largest training organization, as well as many independent trainers. One of my favorite trainers is Laurel Parnell in California at
If you're looking for local emdr practitioners, I know about 50 good ones in central Seattle.
Posted by: Robin Shapiro | July 28, 2007 at 08:58 PM