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September 07, 2009



Great advice.
One other thing. MOZY.COM

It rocks. Easy to use and automagically backs to "the cloud."
Also love your idea about emailing to yourself at gmail. Offsite archives help you sleep better at night.

I don't think I could have edited my book without a second screen. One for English, the other for Chinese and references.

Great to hear you are cranking on this new book of yours.

Robin Shapiro

I think I'll Mozy on down to your back up service. Thanks for the advice. You're in Missouri? Who knew?!

holistic directory

I recently came across your blog and have been reading about holistic therapies. I thought I would leave my first comment. I don't know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.


Thank you for these suggestions. As a counseling student who struggles with ADD and paper-writing, I have enjoyed your blog - and now will concretely benefit from it, too.

Robin Shapiro

Thanks Thomas!

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