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August 23, 2012


Barbara Jo Hinsz

Thank you Robin for your succinct and timely discussion about rape. I especially appreciate your addressing the use of the euphemism, “child molestation”.

I like to add that in my 30 years in private practice, I’ve found that 70% of the people I’ve worked with who where healing from childhood rape had at least one female rapist, often a mother. The complexity of the harm done by the betrayal and perversion of the mother child relationship is profound and can often be the deepest and most difficult of the traumas to process. Then, when the bulk of the trauma has been addressed and integrated, the client has to create new foundations (integrated identity, solidify healthy internal attachment figures, make meaning) to rebuild a life for themselves, from the inside out and the outside in.

Robin Shapiro

Thanks, Barbara Jo!
In my client's experience, the mothers have been actively involved about 5% of the time, mostly in with clients who were cult-abused. Mothers were more likely to passively not protect the kids, or to be victims, too, in my experience. When the mothers believed the kids and took action to protect the kids, the clients were less broken and therapy was much easier.

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