Dear Readers,
Ego state work has been around since before Freud, and in latter years, has been the main stay of many practices. Interventions can range from "How old did you feel when you were yelling at your wife?" to "Let's identify those dissociative states that take over your body." I've been working with this stuff since I became a therapist, 38 years ago, and have read, been taught, taught, and written about it, extensively. It's one of the most versatile tools and lenses through which to see clients that I have.
In January, I expanded my 2-day Ego State training to 3 days and presented it in near London, England. there was time for practice, demonstrations, and some case consultations. Participants raved about the workshop, saying things like "I know MY parts now!" "I know exactly what to do with many of my clients!" "This is the most practical workshop I've taken!" There is special info for EMDR practitioners, but you don't have to know EMDR to take the workshop and get credit. EMDR practitioners get 12 hours for EMDRIA and 12 for their profession. Others get it for their profession.
I'm giving it several times this year.
- 4 days in Milan,Italy. May 10 -13
- 3 days in Seattle, WA, June 8 - 10
- 2 days in Des Moines, Iowa October 20 and 21st, link to follow
- 3 days in Boston November 9-11, link to follow
Here is what I cover:
- Distinguishing Healthy/Flexible and Dissociative Ego States (and map your own)
- Overview of Ego State Interventions
- Identify Vagal States
- Use Embodied Ego State Interventions (includes practice)
- Clearing Trauma (includes practice)
- Theory of Structural Dissociation
- For EMDR practitioners, distinguish when EMDR, when EMDR and when both are the treatments of choice
- Tools to work with sexual abuse, and then bring back healthy current sexuality
- Work with Attachment Issues, including April Steele’s Building a Secure Self (practice)
- Couples Therapy
- Calming Over-Active Immune Systems, Multiple-Chemical Sensitivity (possible demo, if someone has one)
- Pain Protocol
- Shame (practice)
- Suicidal clients
- Resourcing (including installing your own “team”)
- Healing Personality Disorders
- Working with Dissociative Identity Disorder
If you can't get to a workshop, you might read Easy Ego State Interventions or sign up for one of the many good trainings on this subject. It's good stuff to know!