The Names of Love is a hilarious, serious, heart-breaking, heart-warming French movie that I recommend to everyone. It deals with generational PTSD, Holocaust survivors, war survivors, culture, temperament, politics, art, political correctness, and sex as a positive political tool. (Did I say that it was French?) Here's a website:
One plot line shows a survivor of childhood sexual abuse, treating her body as a tool for her political ends, until she meets a man who truly sees and accepts her while adoring her. (I've heard many survivors who were prostitutes or used sex as a means to other ends who said, "But that is what I'm for."
Another character, who saw her parents dragged away to a concentration camp, brought her fearful silence into her marriage, infecting her non-Jewish husband and her child. That child, the male lead, is able to open up and speak the truth when he is finally seen, reflected, loved, and well laid.
And it's a romantic comedy, so you know how it ends. This is my favorite movie since UP! It's lovely. And you must stay through most of the credits.
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