Dear Readers,
(It appears that the many links in this post aren't working. You're going to have to drag and drop into your browser if you want to see anything online. Sorry!)
It's been a busy year since I've posted anything. I blame Facebook and work in many other areas. Since my last book, Easy Ego State Interventions, was published, it and I have been getting a lot of attention, and many invitations to do workshops based on the material. At this point, I'm scheduled for Seattle, Edmonton, Omaha, and Rome. (That Rome!) And people are asking me to speak at conferences next to some of the big names in therapy.
People and reviewers are telling me that the book is accessible and usable. They read it, and then go into session and are able to use the techniques with their garden variety clients, traumatized people, couples, and DID people. This is what I wanted, and I had to fight my publisher to do it. "It's not long enough!" "It doesn't have research!" "Ego states aren't a 'thing' anymore." (Oh yes they are, a BIG thing!)
I'll be doing a Easy Ego State Interventions Workshop on September 16 & 17, 9 - 4:30 in Seattle. If you'd like to see what the fuss is about, you can sign up at . Or you can download or even buy the book at . I did the first workshop, in Ottawa, without EMDRIA credits. This one will give EMDRIA credits to people who do EMDR, and can work very well, and give credits to people who don't know EMDR, if you can stand a little talk about a therapy technique you don't do. I included some case consultation in the workshop, the first go-round, and it worked very well, so I'll be leaving a bit of room for some in this workshop.
The more therapies I learn, the better therapy I do. I'm still enjoying my studies with the CIMBS technique (Complex Integration of Multiple Brain Systems). I'm in my third year of training and learning even more how to collaborate with clients to rewire their brains for better attachment, more directedness, less shame, more motivation, and a more positive outlook. Terry Sheldon and Beatriz Winstanley Sheldon have developed an amazing therapy and are teaching it to people in Seattle, Vancouver, and ever more places. I mix their technique with EMDR, Ego State and Somatic therapies, the hypnotic stuff I started with, and more, and am loving this work even more! And please don't send me new clients. After 35 years in practice, I get way too many referrals and hardly ever can take any new people.
What else am I up to? I'm consulting to a bunch of groups and individuals, mostly EMDR-oriented, in person, and on Skype and phone with people from all over the States and Canada. I think it's the most fun--supporting colleagues to do help their clients. I love watching therapists grow. And in the groups, facilitating the supportive environment that helps that growth to happen.
I'm still teaching the Washington State mandated Suicide, Assessment and Treatment class. Some people have taken my class two times, or come to mine after taking others. Their feedback is that mine is more user-friendly, practical, and, somehow, more fun. I enjoy doing it, and try to tailor each class to the special client populations of the participants. (That's easier when there's 20 people, harder when there's 60.) The next one is in Seattle on October first:
People are asking me about another book, but I'm not feeling one asking to be written. I'd like to get back to this blog and to write only when I feel like it. Every book, becomes "that #$%&ing book", near the end. I want to stick to the short form, before I put my schedule and my body through the contortions of writing a fifth book.
I hope you all are having a great summer!
Expect posts!
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